Money management is a skill that every adult must have yet sadly, does not learn to develop. Learning how to manage money should be a critical step in becoming an independent and self-sufficient individual. Aside from going to school to study finance and hiring an adviser, there are books that can be used as valuable resources to develop financial smarts. Here are the Top 10 finance lovers’ books to help you navigate the complex world of money management and investment.
The Intelligent Investor
by Benjamin Graham
This book promotes value investing to achieve steady profits over the long term. Graham’s investment advice is simple: put your money in high-value companies and avoid trends that are likely to fluctuate. The point is to ignore the temptation of huge profits over the short term and to protect the investor from huge losses.
The Little Book That Beats the Market
by Joel Greenblatt
If you prefer a book that outlines a step-by-step process of investing in stocks, this is it. Written by the head honcho of Gotham Funds, this book offers a simplified formula that teaches value investing to generate profits over the long term. Because it teaches patience, this book may not be for everyone but it is a valuable read nevertheless.
The Barefoot Investor
by Scott Pape
The personal finance system Pape offers is a no-frills guide to living well by eliminating debt. Pape uses his farming background as a metaphor for money management, promoting simple steps on how to plant, grow, and harvest money. This book is perfect for beginner investors and those who want to take the first step to financial freedom.
The Total Money Makeover
by Dave Ramsey
Ramsey’s book teaches you how to save enough money to invest by eliminating debt. He offers advice on how to pay off debts from small ones to large ones so you can free up enough cash to grow your portfolio.
I Will Teach You to Be Rich
by Ramit Sethi
Sethi began as a blogger in 2004 and has since been teaching people to make money. With this book, he teaches how to save money, automate retirement planning, and still enjoy what you love.
The Automatic Millionaire
by David Bach
Bach’s advice comes in an easy-to-understand step-by-step plan to invest and build wealth. He promotes saving even a small part of your income and using automatic payments to build financial discipline.
The Millionaire Fastlane
by MJ DeMarco
If you do not want to wait for old age to retire, this is the book to read. It will not teach you to become rich overnight but it does promote thinking outside the box, taking risks, and being persistent.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
by T. Harv Eker
Eker is not a believer in birth as a determinant of financial success. His book will help undo learned financial habits that do not work so you can learn to take control of your finances.
The Millionaire Next Door
by Thomas J. Stanley, co-authored with William Danko
Stanley promotes saving money and living below your means. The goal is to have good liquidity by having more cash saved up than income. He also offers a net worth formula that will calculate your financial potential and whether or not you are keeping up.
Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill
The author may have been controversial but this book, published in 1937, has helped teach financial management to millions over the years. Hill interviewed wealthy people and collected their most common habits and practices into 13 steps that anyone, even beginners, can apply.
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